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I find insects to be fascinating creatures both visually and scientifically. They are so varied in their shapes, colours and textures and the reasons behind these visual traits are incredible and diverse. It is estimated that for every person on the planet there are 1.4 billion insects, however they appear to be in decline with more species becoming endangered every year. Whilst we often believe them to be annoying or scary, each species has its own niche in the world and a job that is vital to the survival of their (and our) eco-system. 

It is discovering more about the Insect Kingdom that has led me to begin documenting them, researching each species and trying to capture their detail in paper. This is an ongoing project which has led me to create over 200 different species so far.

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Blue Morpho | Recycled Paper, Wire and Thread | 40cm x 40cm | 2021.

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Entomology Study I | Recycled Paper, Wire and Thread | 40cm x 40cm | 2021.

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Part of the Outnumbered Collection | Recycled Paper, Wire and Thread | 60cm x 60cm | 2018.

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Emperor Moth (detail) | Recycled Paper, Wire and Thread | 15cm x 10cm | 2019.

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Amazon Grass Hopper | Recycled Paper, Wire and Thread | 24cm x 26cm | 2019.

A paper insect Amazon Grasshopper  by artist Kate Kato | Kasasagi

Amazon Grass Hopper | Recycled Paper, Wire and Thread | 24cm x 26cm | 2019.

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Atlas Moth | Recycled Paper, Wire and Thread | 25cm x 25cm | 2019.

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Atlas Moth (detail) | Recycled Paper, Wire and Thread | 25cm x 25cm | 2019.


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